20 definitions by Xaviana

A male homosexual, often one who is also effeminite in his mannerisms. Used exclusively in a negative sense by heterosexuals. Word variant: poof
You know why Cyril wears pink? It's because he's a poofter, that's why!
by Xaviana December 1, 2003
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My dear old chum, you always talk such twaddle when you've had a few drinks!
by Xaviana December 1, 2003
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A symbol that looks like a brush-stroke.
by Xaviana December 2, 2003
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Synonym for "wow". Alleged etymology: A way of saying "Jesus!" without being accused of swearing. More often used as a negative exclamation than a positive one.
Gee wiz, what have you gone and done with your hair?
by Xaviana December 1, 2003
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A term of endearment used in South Africa for a female friend (woman to woman), or for a girlfriend/wife (man to woman). This word seems to be used only by people who have a nasal whiney way of talking, such as kugels.
"Hey, doll, you're looking sexy, hey!"
by Xaviana December 2, 2003
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This is a slang word used in South Africa. It is roughly equivalent to expressions like "oh dear", "boy oh boy", "wow", "geez", "oh my!".
Aish! I forgot to save my file and now I will have to re-type it all.
by Xaviana December 1, 2003
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(From German, Afrikaans, and other Germanic languages.) Used in South Africa by many races and classes, and amongst upper class kids in England.
"Do you wanna play cards?"
"Ja, okay, what should we play?"
by Xaviana December 1, 2003
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