3 definitions by XOBHCNUL

A female individual who can fit into most overhead compartments,backpacks and small places.
Funsize is an absolute master at hide and go seek.

Funsize Facts
Funsize loves getting her messy on and hitting up a
bit of emo love.

Funsize is under 5ft so 4ft whatever.

Look at that lil' bitch she a funsize!
Hey get funsize out of your duffle bag :P
by XOBHCNUL February 13, 2008
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A individual who has an uncanny resemblance to Harry Potter.
Although harry potter's balls have dropped.

Potter FACTS
Potter is notorious for getting Wii Arm and also getting rowdy after a few beers.
Potter is also one of the founding members of the YEAHH crew.
Lunchbox is potters Father!
Hey "Potter" you little cock rocket.
Yo uncle Pot pot!
by XOBHCNUL February 13, 2008
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Distortion of the truth way beyond belief and or An Absolute Avalanche of Bullshit.
Eight Five is also known in numerical values as shown in the formula below:
(8 or eight)+ (5 or five) = "Absolute bullshit" or eightfive or 85.
85 is generally used when stories of extreme sports are involved.
Dude that was the biggest load of crap Ive ever heard, yeah massive "eight five"

Dude I jumped the grand canyon on a unicycle, 85 85 85 85 85
Eight fucking five
by XOBHCNUL February 7, 2008
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