259 definitions by X

A person riding between the driver and passenger in a pickup truck. Generally an uncomfortable position in the cab, hence the name.
"Damn, I'm not riding bitch again."
by X January 23, 2003
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A female, of Italian desent, from Trenton, NJ who wears a lot of makeup.
My sister hangs out with the burger bits.
by X April 27, 2004
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In a state of being unkempt of messy. Often in reference to hair.
"That rastaman has some nappy dreadlocks."
by X January 31, 2003
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"I was playin' Onimusha last night bro yo, and I kicked serious ass wipes dudelio!"

"That's awesome stuff dude. Totally off da hook!"

"You know it my home shizzle!"

"Let's go check out the latest pimpin' episode of my fav show!"

"What show is that, my home SKILLET?"

"Whaddya think man? Spongebob Squarepants of course! What do you think it was, some gayass show like Pimp My Ride?"

"No way, pimp home dog, that show sucks nizzle."

"Alright, we're missin' da SPONGEBOB MARATHON!!!!"

"Oh crap man, we better get our twinkies and the remote!"

"You know it bro yo!"
by X April 28, 2004
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