24 definitions by Wun Hung Lo

This term is used to describe a sexual act that involves one unsuspecting female and more than two males. The act begins with a guy and girl having sex in a very dark room with no vision. Once the first guy is done, he will excuse himself into the restroom and the next guy will enter without the girl ever knowing. Once again, when this guy takes care of buisness, he will then excuse himself and enter another participant or the first guy again. So the term Quick Getaway is exactly as it sounds. Commit the crime and get the hell out of there before the victim knows what happened.
During high school the Quick Getaway was a well practiced activity.
by Wun Hung Lo January 7, 2006
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This is term that labels a males penis. It was created with the belief that sex cures the occassional headache or illness of both sexes. It combines the idea that the penis is also known as meat or stick in a males pants. In addition, sex is the miracle act of cureing minor health problems such as headaches, stress, blue-balls, and many other illnesses that can be cured by a great session of sex.
Last night my women was bitching about her headache, so I gave her a dose of medicated meatstick and PRESTO! she was cured!
by Wun Hung Lo January 26, 2006
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A hot chili pot is the act of taking a shit in a public toilet, once done, the shitter flushes the toilet and all the shit and toilet paper clogs the toilet causing it to fill to the brim. The shit water stays at an elevated level in the pot until some poor bastard comes in to unclog it. The pot creates a foul stinch that will let anyone enter the restroom know that a hot chili pot has been brewed and ready for gagging.
The manager at Sears was extemely pissed when he was told to clean up the hot chili pot that had been stewing for the last 24 hours in the men's room.
by Wun Hung Lo January 12, 2006
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A vagina is the best box possible to rap your penis in.
by Wun Hung Lo December 20, 2005
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A term that describes the act of spitting saliva or snot into a female's vagina that has gone dry after a long period of sexual intercourse for the purpose of the male reaching his climax.
To date, I have not ever given a slick toby to a chick because I am the minuteman!
by Wun Hung Lo January 8, 2006
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The action of an extremely fat lady that is taking a shit, once done, she is so fat that she can not reach around to wipe her ass. Instead she reaches between her legs and wipes from crack to split. Much of the time this act ends with the women spreading the shit into her vagina causing an infection that smells like shit!
90% of all fat chicks give themselves the rusty split.
by Wun Hung Lo January 9, 2006
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This is a term that me and my friends refer to when asking if someone has shit stains in their underwear. These are not the lightly browned streaks, but the heavy streaks that look as if someone was using the underwear to help heat up their racing tires at the track.
Damn dude!
You are never going to get laid when you are always testing the tires.
Shit! Please learn to wipe your ass!
by Wun Hung Lo January 12, 2006
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