14 definitions by WuddaWhist

The sensation one gets around the penis after intercourse
hay julie i have 'cock throb'
by WuddaWhist February 26, 2009
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when someone wedgies another in the swimming pool, when they are wearing swimming trunks
Ha' did you see that? that boy gave his mate a 'wet wedge'
by WuddaWhist February 26, 2009
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A legal term for someone who is charged with committing an act of vandaliam on or inside the womb of a human or animal. This also includes the sadistic hobbie of crawling up inside a womb and setting fireworks off. As seen in the infamous case of Mr N Demp-C in 1902. Womb Vandalism is written under chapter 56 paragraph 22.3 of the legal and legisism act of 1754 in only 2 countries in the world. These two countries are not known, but researchers have found that they lye somewhere near the earths equator, in a region known as no mans land or NML.
In court the judge read out the charges: Right Mr Demp-C your have been charged with Womb Vandalism, how do you plead?

Mr Demp-C screamed like a gorilla as he unbuttoned his shirt and ripped off his pants shouting. "I'm Guilty, Guilty as charged!"
by WuddaWhist March 15, 2012
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A legal term for someone who is charged with committing certain vulgar, sadistic sexual acts to human or animals genitals. This includes tieing elastic bands round a mans testicles while he is restrained, allowing the blood flow to be cut of so as the testicles drop off, into a saucepan and are subsequently cooked on a stove or fire. It also forbids anyone from taking part in the homosexual vulgar act of cock schlocking, were the man is tied down whilst three other men insert matches covered in paraffin or other flamable liquid, down the mans japs eye, then setting the matches alight and performing fallatio and masturbatory exercises on him. Genital Genocide is written under chapter 56 paragraph 22.4 of the legal and legisism act of 1754 in only 2 countries in the world. These two countries are not known, but researchers have found that they lye somewhere near the earths equator, in a region known as no mans land or NML.
In court the judge read out the charges: Right Mr Demp-C your have been charged with Genital Genocide, how do you plead?

Mr Demp-C screamed like a gorilla as he unbuttoned his shirt and ripped off his pants shouting. "I'm Guilty, Guilty as charged!"
by WuddaWhist March 15, 2012
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Female version of skiddied underpants, can be used as a slang word used when one is angry
When someone has shit stains in their knickers e.g "oh shitty knicks!!"
by WuddaWhist February 9, 2009
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A slice of a butt, likely from an animal
John went into the butchers and asked for some Cat 'Butt Cutlets'
by WuddaWhist February 9, 2009
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a ticket purchased at a public toilet to go for a piss
Sabastian when to the toilet and had to buy a 'piss tickets' to have a piss
by WuddaWhist February 16, 2009
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