4 definitions by Wrigleys Gumchewz

A truck, van or car made by Chevrolet that is totally full of rust. Typically in south Florida where it's hot and rains a lot the roof and hood of many Chevrolet and Pontiacs have heavy surface rust with peeling paint. A defect in the sheet metal GM used in the 80's and 90's caused this. Many older Camaros, Sunbirds, Cavaliers and Celebritys had a rusting roof/hood problem.
Tommy - Hey Bruce, check out that Z28. That things got one badazz set of wheels on it.

Bruce - Yeah.. but damn look at the paint... or what's left of it. That things a Rustolet Camaro... it seriously NEEDS body work. Like a rock ehh. lol
by Wrigleys Gumchewz July 12, 2014
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An offensive move performed by one female onto another female, usually a forceful blow by foot, leg or hand to the womans genitalia area. Whether on purpose or by accident.

A move NO man should ever try on a woman!

In the original Mortal Kombat game, there is a move by Johnny Cage called Ball Breaker where he does the spilts and punches his male opponent in the balls. This move did not work on female opponents (showed animation but no damage). This is what one would call a Box Crusher.
Jules and Miranda got into a huge cat fight, pulling each others hair and punching each other. Jules nails caught Mirandas left eye and made her furious. Miranda turned around and swiftly gave Jules a Box Crusher with her foot. Jules was crouched over in agony.
by Wrigleys Gumchewz July 11, 2014
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1. Fictional character/being meant to scare or tease kids and overly sensitive people. Sometimes spelled Boogieman or Boogeyman. Michael Myers in the horror movies Halloween is often referred to as the Boogieman.

2. A horror movie created in 2005 about a supernatural being living in dark closets. A complete flop of a film.
1. (Older kid talking to young kid at school) - ...laughing... "The Boogie Man is gonna get ya little boy...better watch out" ... (kid looking scared and runs).

2. We watched The Boogeyman on Netflix tonight. Seriously that was one lame movie with a BAD ending! Do not waste your time on it.
by Wrigleys Gumchewz July 11, 2014
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When you take a dump and it's very constipated, even a bit painful that it feels like a huge brick coming out of your ass.
Dude my ass is so sore, I was in the bathroom for almost an hour taking a rock shit . It was so bad the toilet plugged up.

by Wrigleys Gumchewz July 13, 2014
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