43 definitions by World Domination

dangerous magic card from Yugioh that can take you soul. Once played in a duel, a seal surrounds all duelists, trapping them inside and preventing others from entering. If a player's life points hit 0, the seal closes on them, and takes their soul. If all duelists lose their life points, the seal breaks apart and no one is taken.

Under the seal, more monsters can be played by the duelist who played the card. Their monsters gain 500 attack points and become dark.
I will now get rid of you with...the SEAL OF ORICHALCOS!
by World Domination March 7, 2005
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1). the title for legendary rock star Bruce Springsteen.
2). the person who bosses you at work
3). The main villain in Metal Gear Solid 3...and it's a girl too!
4). in a video game, an opponent more fiercer than normal enemies. Will use stronger attacks than normal enemies as well as have more hp. Boss battles can sometimes be epics.
1). The Boss is in the house.
2). Damn it, you want to meet the boss? Burns in annoying and stupid...DOH!
3). I am the Boss...Snake, this is all my plan!
4). Gargh...I can't defeat the boss in this game. Damn it....Emerald Weapon always kills me!
by World Domination February 10, 2005
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an ANGSTy character from Final Fantasy VIII...feels his life means nothing...most likely listens to Linkin Park while in his SeeD room, and doesn't care about anyone...always saying...WHATEVER!
by World Domination February 17, 2005
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the long-running host of Price is Right. He still has energy after all these years to run the program. He should be hailed as a god.
by World Domination February 18, 2005
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popular catch phrase from Yugioh. The phrase comes in the opening theme song where the music stops and he yells that famous phrase.

This phrase has been parodized a lot, especially on ytmnds involving Mario, Spongebob Squarepants, Howard Dean, and a few others.
Me: I had it with you. You're going down!
Punk Kid: All right, you leave me no choice. It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel!
by World Domination February 24, 2005
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