3 definitions by Wordsluethval

The mans version of a “camel toe” when a man’s schnitzel and balls are showing through his pants
“Dude, I totally lost my girlfriend when she was checking out that studs SCHNITZEL TOE”.
by Wordsluethval June 30, 2018
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When you greet someone and go in for the hug, then do some rapid but heavy sniffing to establish the persons’ scent, or possibly get a sense of where they have been or who they have been with. Most often used on significant other or potential significant other.
My man came around looking all sheepish, I gave him The Royal Sniff and he smelled like that HO from the mall.
by Wordsluethval July 8, 2018
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When you are so in love that you enjoy breathing the other persons air into your own mouth and lungs. It happens at ultra-close proximity with that person, usually when kissing or sleeping.
I’m so happy my new boyfriend is a LOVE BREATHER, when he and I sleep together we sleep with our faces practically touching so we can breath each other’s air, it makes me swoon.
by Wordsluethval July 8, 2018
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