12 definitions by Wordman

Used to identify an object of which the actual word has escaped your mind.
"I found my pack of smokes, but where is my whakida??"
by Wordman December 18, 2002
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Adj: An unlucky or hopeless state of affairs.

My wife walking in and watching the baby sitter wipe my man goo from her chin was bad news bears.
by Wordman April 14, 2003
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Nigger Loving Slut- any nonblack female that prefers sex with only black males
you see anna with that black guy, yeah shes a NLS
by Wordman April 26, 2005
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Fuck somebody up. Beat the shit outta someone. Jump somebody.
My cuzins gonna come down nare and scrape you.
by Wordman August 29, 2003
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to snitch or tell the police or other members of authority about a crime that you have witnessed or that you saw your friend doing
man, that punk ratted me out to the cops
by Wordman June 10, 2005
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An American term meaning to ride the greyhound bus.An interstate bus company that will take you anywhere in the USA for a low fare.Usually used by low income families,young single people or military personel.
I have to go see my grandma in Kentucky, and I dont have much money, so I guess Im hoping the dog.
by Wordman July 3, 2005
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