84 definitions by Woody Thomas

penis, the male organ, dick
I put my hand between her thighs, and my swantz began to rise
by Woody Thomas January 12, 2006
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a more humiliating feat than the golden sombrero. 0 for 5 with 5 strikeouts. I don't believe even that bum Jim Edmonds has done it. However, Andrew Jones of the Braves did it the other night.
Many a player has worn the golden sombrero but few have worn the diamond sombrero
by Woody Thomas May 26, 2007
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Having no beer or other alcoholic beverages in one's possession
Tom: 'hey man, you got any beer at your place?'
Mike: 'uh-uh brother, I'm fuckin' dry as a powderhorn.'
by Woody Thomas January 15, 2006
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there are basically two categories of hoosier:
A. hoosier by birth
B. hoosier by lifestyle

a hoosier by birth really has no choice but to be a hoosier. They come from a long line of hoosiers, described by St. Louisian Glenn Savan in his book White Palace as "decendants of transplanted Ozark farmers.' Usually overweight, trailor inhabiting, junk food eating, quasi-inbred folks whose idea of luxury is shopping at Wal-Mart and when in the mood for gourmet dining, go to Ponderosa. For the ultimate in entertainment, it's the Jerry Springer Show or pro wrestling. Of course, NASCAR is big also. But the mecca of the true hoosier is Six Flags Ovcr Mid-America in Eureka, MO. A disproportinate number of hoosiers can be found at hospitals, as both patients and visitors, a result of a lifetime of artery clogging, blood pressure raising diet and smoking cigarettes. Due to its proximity to Jefferson County, St. Anthony's Hospital in south St. Louis County is a prime spot for hoosier watching,

Hoosiers by lifestyle have no excuse. They more often than not come from decent families but once are grown up and on their own, they choose to live like white trash. They listen to metal music, drink beer in excess, spend hundreds of dollars on fireworks every Fourth of July, allow their dogs to shit in their neighbors' yard, and attend professional sporting events not affordable for born hoosiers, and of course they are drunk and obnoxious at these baseball/football/hockey games.
Only a total hoosier would throw an empty drink cup out of the car window.
by Woody Thomas July 25, 2008
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"Going to see the Chinaman" is African-American vernacular for going to get some Chinese take-out food.
I'm tired of McDonald's; let's go see the Chinaman tonight.
by Woody Thomas October 4, 2007
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any substance, usually kind of disgusting and unidentifiable, that gets on something. Often times the yang is dried on whatever it is on, like snot for example.
I got out a glass to drink out of, but it had some kind of yang on it, so I put it in the dishwasher.
by Woody Thomas September 13, 2009
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used as a pause when speaking, to elicit approval from or to impress the listener(s) after saying something meant to be profound or impressive.
Tom Hanks: "It's great to be back hosting Saturday Night Live. I haven't been here since I did a little thing called Saving Private Ryan, uh..."
by Woody Thomas June 17, 2007
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