11 definitions by Wonder Woman

someone or something that has only washed once if that and does not seem to care about their appearance. they are usually found in the library or by the science lab eating sandwiches. ankle swingers, dock martins, and 70's haircuts are often a must for the skank
dont go near skanky mcskankerson u might get nits
by Wonder Woman February 9, 2004
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1- a really really small penis
2 - a small penis usually owned by a person hated by everyone person
yo. tay.. spencer has a chinish dick, when he took a piss he pissed on his balls.
2 - I cant give David a hand job with a chinish penis!
3- Dude.. i think i have a chinsh penis.
dude why are u telling me this.!
by Wonder Woman February 14, 2005
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Originated in the salt mine making crystals from rock form. Midwestern homos sometimes use "go pound sand" for this phrase but they are wrong.
Person:"Hey, Do you need any help taking those off"?
Other person: "Nah, why don't you just go pound salt!"
by Wonder Woman June 24, 2004
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Kick ass super hero who was played by Linda Carter in the 70's. She has an invisible jet and lasso of truth. She Kicks ass.
by Wonder Woman February 29, 2004
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omg is all have 2 say on tht matter. u gotta sore neck go 2 her.
especially if u is a drummer whoop!
ma neck is killin i might have 2 see the girl with the golden touch
by Wonder Woman February 15, 2005
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a mong is short for a mongol not the people native to mongolia but the people who are native to the dustbin these people are annoyingly stupid
tony"my brother matt is such a mong"
tony"he put lettuce in his ear"

sam"my book is mongified i dropped acid on it in science"
tony" omg there is only half of it!"
by Wonder Woman February 9, 2004
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