83 definitions by Wm. Wallace the Freedom Fighter

An interjection of disgust about something that will never work from recently on, no matter how hard or easy you try. Usually it's an item or idea that has worked well in the past, but is totally knackered in this modern age. Comes from C programs written for an older version of the toolchain which flatly refuses to compile on the newer toolchain.
Going to war with spears?? Undefined reference to _sbrk!

I tried to use sorcery to turn my Yugo into a Rolls Royce, but got an undefined reference to _sbrk.

CoolGBARom.c error: undefined reference to _sbrk
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1. To say there's a pill for that is to tell someone off that what they are doing is not normal and there's the outside chance that a dose of medication can 'fix' it.

2. A statement of dismay at Americans lack of responsibility because they think that every bad thing that they did in their life can be solved/erased with a pill.
1. So you're not having anal sex like the rest of us?? There's a pill for that (boner pill).

2. :Bratty child at Boy Scouts throws a knife at his trooper:
:Trooper says to child "is there something wrong? Are you emotionally challenged?: Humans do wrong things sometimes and shouldn't think there's a pill for that.
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Something you find embedded inside a $8000 plasma TV, after the viewer has purchased a Nintendo Wii.
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A state of being where you can have up to 7 spouses. Used a lot in Arabian countries. 3 bits (2 cubed) can store up to a value of 8, and you have 0 for no spouse, leaving you with 7 wives/husbands.
Yassin the Turk felt the limitations of the 3-bit marriage were too tight and converted to Cycle-Accurate Mormonism so he could have a 15-bit marriage and have a bigger family.
by Wm. Wallace the Freedom Fighter December 24, 2007
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Any form of aggressive advertising that does any of the following actions, almost all of which are legal in the USA but not necessarily morally correct:

1. Use of banner ads with Microsoft Windows windows in them to make one think their computer has a problem.

2. Withholds useful information from you until you click Yes on "Do you want to install and run" so they can spread their malware.

3. Rapid and annoying moving iPods or other shiny things/status sympols that might make a Neanderthal have a four hour erection.

3a. So-called free iPods/Xbox 360s that require you to sell your name and address to loads of advertising cartels and require you to buy many other things you don't want AND require your friends to do the same.

4. Pop up/Pop under ads. Need I say more?

5. Microsoft Windows XP Messenger Service black-on-grey text ads that say your computer will die unless you install a virus on it that kills your PC anyway.

6. AOL Discs--self explanatory.

7. Any advertisement for a cult that would make the Jehovah's Witnesses blush.

8. while (1){ ~linux/home$festival -tts "Head On Apply Directly to the forehead!" }

9. Obvious corporate theft from consumers/double-dipping such as advertisements on DVDs, in movie theaters and on Cable/Dish TV.

10. Ads that make you feel sad in misleading ways, such as one for Ron the indigent atheist terrorist needs you to paypal him $20 so he can bomb a church.

11. Windows Vista which appeals to people who give up their freedom to run emulators and file sharing so they can have shiny pretty cute windows that stack like glass.
AOL tactics keep Geek Squad and Firedog in business.
Spank the Monkey and win -$20 is another AOL tactic.
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The part of the electromagnetic spectrum below 300 billion cycles per second, or 300 GHz. Used to send magical messages, sound, and moving pictures to people, even though they are not real because you can't see them or feel them. A great portion of the public still believes in their existence.
Clinton:Why don't you go worship your invisible pink unicorn?
Mordecai:Have you ever seen or felt textureless odorless radio waves? How can you believe in that cult idea?!
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1. The purported frequency at which Aztec human sacrifices were occuring in 1487 during the reconsecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan. This is a period of 4.09478673 seconds between sacrifices. The number is probably inflated as a propaganda tool to use against their foes.

2. A mythical radio modulation method that uses very low frequency blood waves to send propaganda to Conquistadors.
1. The Aztecs were slitting people's chests and tearing their hearts out in the 0.244212963 hertz range.

2. What Ham mode is faster than 30 seconds per dot Morse code and has an equal signal propagation written in blood? Tune to 0.244212963 hertz (0.000244212963 Mhz Upper Sideband(!))on your rig to hear the answer!
by Wm. Wallace the Freedom Fighter September 19, 2007
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