83 definitions by Wm. Wallace the Freedom Fighter

The reason why gasoline was 99 cents a gallon in Taxachussets.
When Bush took over from Bill Clinton, all hopes of peace and cheap joyrides vanished.

If I let a girl suck my dick at work, it wouldn't of gotten on TV, but with Bill Clinton it's heard everywhere.
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A person who has been injured, slaughtered, or maimed by a long shafted weapon with a pointy blade at its tip is said to have been Speared.

Not only black people can be Speared, but white, yellow, and red people too.
Mel Gibson deliberately waited until the family reunion dinner to tell his story about how he Speared one of his acting buddies by accident in the gut and how chunky white puke came out from her punctured duodenum and out the gash in the abdomen. They had to call the ecnalubma.
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A two dimensional human-readable bar code symbology with hundreds of combinations per module. Usually found on Scottish things such as kilts, ribbons, sarongs, and bagpipes. Each clan (a Scottish family, spelled with a C) has its own tartan.
Hamish the red got away with sending the HD-DVD key by way of tartans on kilts in the mail.

The tartan was found on kilts early in the Faerytale Era.
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1. A character on the Jerky Boys series of prank phone calls who needs laser treatment and new glasses.

2. A black bearded king who tried to pin the red bearded King David to the wall in Biblical Times. Didn't manage to kill 10,000 or more people in his lifetime. Killed himself by propping his sword up and falling on it.
1. My name is Saul, Saul Rosenberg...I need laser treatment! My ass is killin' me!

2. And the women answered one another as they played, and said, "Saul Rosenberg hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands".
by Wm. Wallace the Freedom Fighter September 19, 2007
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A euphenism for a used item. May not be a bad thing in the sense of Previously Owned DVD movie, but can be bad in the sense of a Previously Owned computer or automobile where you're buying somebody else's problem..
We have dozens of certified Previously Owned cars on the lot ready for you to drive away today!
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A weapon in the Scorpion King, created by dipping a medieval sword's blade in gasoline (or in medieval times) lamp oil and lighting it. If you can't cut anyone with a SwordFire you can still burn huts with it.
Brodan attacked Zoras with his SwordFire, igniting his leather armor and then he stabbed him in the chest.

The idiot on that Break.com video burned his shirt and lost his arm hairs with a SwordFire.
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