129 definitions by Wizards Sleeve

Yet another term for semen. This is the type chucked over a porn starlette's face in an average porno-movie.
Director: "OK folks, ready for the pop shot - let's see some slut custard fly!"
Porn Star: "Eeeeeuuuuuurggghhhh !!!! <SPLOODGE>"
by Wizards Sleeve January 10, 2007
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Another affectionate term for the scrotum, this time from North of the border in Scotland.
"Och ma boggle. Ahm kippin ma wee bowlocks seef in mah skin sporran ready for Morag to play wi'." (Traditional Scottish Saying)
by Wizards Sleeve June 7, 2005
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A pussy. A real ripe one. Best avoided.
Dude 1: "Man, that chick I met last night. She was evil!"
Dude 2: "Yo, why so Dawg?"
Dude 1: "I went down on her and it was like a fishmonger's gorge!"
by Wizards Sleeve February 26, 2007
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One of the Holy Grail sexual acts. This involves one man and three women. The lucky man will have one woman on his penis and one hand in each of the other two women. This makes him look like Neptune's tri-pronged trident.

And like everything nautical, the whole thing smells of fish and is very slippery.
Nick: "I scored big the other day, I hit on three chicks and they did Neptune's trident with me."
Dude: "Way to go my man! You IS a sex god!"
by Wizards Sleeve May 7, 2007
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An adjective that describes the state of your face after your woman has given you a slap for dissing her.
Dude 1: "Dude, whazzup your face?"
Dude 2: "Charmaine bitcht it up last night when we wuz fightin."
Dude 1: "What you say, man?"
Dude 2 "All I said was 'you's an irrational, hormone driven bag of cellulite' and she bitcht me like."
by Wizards Sleeve May 18, 2005
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Boobs; particularly the loaded ones you see on preggos.
"Did you see that MILF just now? Wow, she had plenty of baby brunch hanging out front."
by Wizards Sleeve June 11, 2006
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The management of projects. Typically, this is all about figuring out what's needed, working out how to satisfy that need, costing it out, doing the job and delivering the product/service or whatever.

Some say it's science, some say an art. Whatever. It keeps a lot of pencil-necks in jobs and forms the bedrock of capitalist growth through cost, time and quality controlled efforts.

If you want an example of good project management, take 5 to figure out how they built a pyramid in ancient Egypt.
Getting a shag out of Estelle requires more project management than I can conjure up. You'd need a Harvard MBA to figure out a route into her box.
by Wizards Sleeve May 31, 2005
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