129 definitions by Wizards Sleeve

The legendary fattest ho in Indonesia. Similar in shape, temperament and size to the volcanic island in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra which blew itself to bits in 1883.
"I just been to visit Krakafatty. She's a 300 pounds piece of yellow ho-ass and when she goes off you is as good as dead."
by Wizards Sleeve July 26, 2006
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Noun. Huge lumbering creature with massive breasts, ferocious appetite and very slow, ungainly walk.

Derived from Greek: preggo = "knocked up chick" + sauros = "lizard".
"Wow, I didn't see Nicki for ages since she got knocked up. She's a real 8 month preggasaurus now.
by Wizards Sleeve June 11, 2006
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British schoolboy term for a stash of porn found under a hedgerow. It is an ancient custom in Britain that once a jazz mag has come to the end of its life, the owner shall place it under a hedgerow so that it may be adopted by a new one.
Timmy: "Whacko Roger! Hit the blimmin' jackpot last night!"
Roger: "Oh do tell!"
Timmy: "Yes, found some cracking hedgerow grumble down Dale Lane!"
Roger: "Cripes! Better make sure your housekeeper doesn’t find it or there'll be no sherbet fountains for you, ho ho!"
by Wizards Sleeve June 2, 2005
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