2 definitions by WinstonSmith1984


Euphemism for having an affair or extramarital affair;

Synonyms: "Hiking the Appalachian Trail"

"Mushing the Iditarod"
They were divorced after she learned he had been "Riding the Iditarod";

Her office explained her absence saying she was out "Mushing the Iditarod"
by WinstonSmith1984 August 1, 2009
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verb: (1) to fire someone with glee

(2) to be fired

(3) outsourcing; to gut a company, send American jobs overseas, then claim to have created jobs (in India)
(a)"He romneyed the whole department, I think he got an erection doing it!"

(b) "I got romneyed last week after 23 years on the job; they even took my pension!"

(c) "He increased profits by romneying the IT department to India; but hey, he created all those jobs!
by WinstonSmith1984 January 10, 2012
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