12 definitions by William Woody

1. The act of getting what is essentially getting a nights sleep in a fraction of the time.

2. An afternoon nap to keep you up later that night.
"Whew, had to power nap last night. Exams = pwning me."

"Hey, I gotta power nap for a bit so I can mack on some bitches. Ill see ya in a few."

"I had to power nap last night when Jen got done with me, especially after she brought those ponies in."
by William Woody January 11, 2006
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Genearl nerd with no friends outside of his anime. He repels all hopes of being gay by watching only lesbian porn, sometimes changing to beastiality. Seen over 330 hours of anime total, has no life outside of his home. Genearl Fag.
"Have you seen Louie Geier?"
"No, he is always in his room wanking off"

"Louie Geier watches to much anime"

"Louie Geier stuff tissues in his bra"

"Louie Geier touches himself in school"
by William Woody May 11, 2005
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Show entailing various emo fags trying to strive to be cool again. They say such things as "I hate living" or "I have to shit outside now". They also have hippy albino 'teachers' that try to make them feel 'normal' again.
"That brat camp show is so gay, I hate television more now"

"Those kids on brat camp sure do know how to fuck things up for parents"
by William Woody July 22, 2005
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A fag that lives only for his nightly internet show. The only good part of his show is when Neil Hamburger shows up and shits on everybody.

"Welcome to the Tom Green show, tonights guest is Neil Hamburger!"

"lol u guyz r a buncha barrel rawlers lol"

"Drew, I want you back Drew...WHY?!"
by William Woody October 15, 2007
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The perfect definition of emo, another band like Green Day listened to while cutters slice their arms up.
<Abused Emo Child> I like The Used
<Sane Person> I like your mom in my bed
<Abused Emo Child> OMG!!11!!1!!!1!1eleventyone!!1 Im gonna go slice up my body
<Sane Person> Try your jugular
by William Woody November 30, 2005
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