15 definitions by William Chan

Cantonese word for "perverted".

Used to describe people who have an insatiable appetite for sexually related things such as strip clubs, women, sex, and porn. These people also like to grab people in the most inappropriate places in public.

hence the term "hamsup lo" - "perverted guy".

Fellowships of hamsup people will often refer to one another as "hamsup gor" or "perverted brother"
"Yo, could you stop being so hamsup?!?"

"That guy is such a hamsup lo, he keeps staring at those girls and sometimes he'll even grab their asses when they walk by."

"hamsup gor, what are you doing today? Going to the strip clubs again I see..."

"You've just been hamsupped!!!!"
by William Chan February 18, 2004
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Cantonese word for "perverted".

Used to describe people who have an insatiable appetite for sexually related things such as strip clubs, women, sex, and porn. These people also like to grab people in the most inappropriate places in public.

hence the term "hamsup lo" - "perverted guy".

Fellowships of hamsup people will often refer to one another as "hamsup gor" or "perverted brother"
"Yo, could you stop being so hamsup?!?"

"That guy is such a hamsup lo, he keeps staring at those girls and sometimes he'll even grab their asses when they walk by."

"hamsup gor, what are you doing today? Going to the strip clubs again I see..."

"You've just been hamsupped!!!!"
by William Chan February 17, 2004
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A skill-less player who plays Madden Online and knows only 5 plays max, all of which are near unstoppable unless you manually control the defensive player and pick his shit off and run it back.

Will quit when you figure out how to stop him and claim you are a cheap player
"vickisgod3 is such a gimmick play faggot, the motherfucker only runs the same 2 fucking plays and then he's pulling the plug when you figure him out."
by William Chan January 9, 2004
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1.The act of a giving a male a blowjob.
2.A type of SUV
Carol gave a hummer to Max for a Hummer.
by William Chan October 22, 2003
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The next level up from bullshit. Even more unbelieveable and outrageous than bullshit.

bullshit ^ 2
"That's boocrap, there's no way you can dunk from there!!"

"Yeah right, boocrap, like you could get a girl to have sex with you."
by William Chan January 9, 2004
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The ABC version of chinese(cantonese or mandarin). Consists of badly mispronounced chinese words and english. Used mainly to communicate with fobby relatives, parents and fobby classmates who refuse to speak English.

Those who speak real chinese look down at people who use this form of chinese by making fun of them whenever they can because they are insecure faggots.
"ngor kum yut chut hui sek fan hai TGI Friday." (Today, I'm going out to eat at TGI Fridays)

"Lay Hoi Yee Sign Application Kan Juu Bay ngor Return hui Human Resources." (You can sign the application and give it to me so I can return it to Human Resources)

"Bong ngor mai Metal Gear Solid ah, mommy!!!"
(Buy me Metal Gear Solid, Mommy!)
by William Chan January 9, 2004
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