70 definitions by William


1. A large body of people organized and trained for land warfare.
2. often Army The entire military land forces of a country.
3. A tactical and administrative military unit consisting of a headquarters, two or more corps, and auxiliary forces.
The U.S. Army is able to spell the word wash, which was obviously lost in the vocabulary of the marine core, which is evident in this.

"The clean-up crew after the Marines go and kill EVERYTHING!!!
After the initial invasion be the Marines, the Army came in to wach away the blood."
by William April 24, 2004
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A gank, or the act of ganking, occurs when a woman's buttcrack or breast cleavage is exposed, and you insert an object, a pencil, finger, pen, coin, whatever, into said cleavage. The acting party must then proceed to say "GANK" in a loud, matter-of-fact manner.
"I totally ganked Maureen the other day when she was crouching down, picking up something."

"I'm going to gank her."
by William October 26, 2004
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Alien creature that resembles a lamprey. It developes inside a human host until it bursts out of their ass.
"Boy did that shit weasel burst out of my ass. I sure am dead now."
by William March 29, 2003
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A Mexicanese Goddess whose which beauty is undescribable with words and can only be explained with a wide-eyed open-mouthed drooling facial expression.
A Comatose in which the subject is rendered immobile due to the overwhelming beauty of this "Jeanie"
by William June 19, 2006
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Where homosexual congregate usually a bar or club
Hey mate, is this afucking puff parlour
by William December 29, 2004
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Alias for the most amazing, beautiful, talented women to ever grace god's green earth.

See also: beautiful, amazing, talented, astonishing, astounding, bewildering, breathtaking, extraordinary, impressive, marvelous, miraculous, spectacular, staggering, startling, striking, stunning, wonderful, wondrous, artful, brilliant, masterful ---- perfect.
Speaking to Kodama is as though you have been lifted off earth and placed in heaven.
by William April 24, 2004
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poune is slang for crack
"Do you got any poune"
by William November 7, 2004
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