14 definitions by Whore-able_&_Adorable

The state of which you are under the influence of alcohol, as well as an illicit substance.
I swear, there's nothing like being spintoxicated.
Don't mix those together! You'll get spintoxicated!
by Whore-able_&_Adorable February 3, 2018
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An expert, know it all, investigator, or theorist on the coronavirus.
That girl has become a coronaknownian.
Tom is one of us, he's a fellow coronaknownian.
by Whore-able_&_Adorable April 7, 2020
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Early release for CDC inmates due to the coronavirus pandamic
"I got a coronakick and got released 30 days early."

"Thank God I got that coronakick, I would've missed my daughter's birthday."
by Whore-able_&_Adorable April 19, 2020
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An intense desire that eventually grows into obsession as it deepens.
I wish he/she knew how much I obsire them.

He/she won't get the hint! Its like he/she is acting all obsired.

He/she is 100% obsireable!!
by Whore-able_&_Adorable February 19, 2019
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Cuteness the outside world can't relate too, see or appreciate. Something semi inappropriate but still cute.
The comments she makes are so indoorable.
by Whore-able_&_Adorable September 22, 2018
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A girl that lives in a shed that inadvertently becomes subject for a drug addicts lust for sexual gratification.

A girl that lives in the garage of someone else's property that allows indecent activities due to deep desire for illegal drugs.
Who are you dating? I hope its not the shed girl type.

Can't bring a shed girl home to mama.

They scrapped enough cans today to hopefully get lucky with the shed girl.
by Whore-able_&_Adorable February 7, 2018
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A woman that is timid or afraid of engaging in intercourse.

A woman that has the desire to engage in sexual activities but detains due to guilt or shame.
His behavior and comments that night, intern made her become dickshy.

Although she was interested, her longing for her ex made her dickshy.
by Whore-able_&_Adorable February 7, 2018
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