31 definitions by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat?

A person who will engage in almost any activity, frivolous or substantial, legal or not, in the pursuit and obtainment of money.

Another slang term for the phrase "Money Hungry."
My friend Michael has a severe case of money madness. Every time you see him he's always talking about hatching some scheme to hustle a dollar. But as bad as he is his girlfriend Donna's case of money madness is almost terminal!
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? August 28, 2018
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A slang term for the phrase "Hit It and Quit It," defined as the act of engaging with a person merely for sexual gratification such as intercourse with absolutely no intention of commitment or future contact with the person following the act.

May also be seen or written as "Hi Q," but not to be confused with the slang term "High-Q."
Once Antonio decided he was leaving town he made it perfectly clear he was going to Hi-Q Gloria before he left.
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? February 13, 2019
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The male equivalent to a Get-With Girl. (Refer to definition under "Get-With Girl.")
Get-With Guy: Refer to example under Get-With Girl.
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? May 13, 2018
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The term when used in this context is based on the classic folktale fable The Little Red Hen. The story is applied in teaching children the virtues of a strong work ethic and personal initiative.

In the tale, the little red hen finds a grain of wheat and asks for help from the other farmyard animals to plant it, but they all refuse. At the later stages of harvesting, threshing, milling the wheat into flour, and baking the flour into bread, the little red hen once again asks for help from the other animals, but again she receives none.

Finally, when the little red hen has completed all her tasks, she asks who will help her eat the fresh-baked bread. This time, all the previous non-participants eagerly volunteer, but she immediately refuses them, stating that since no one helped her with the work, no one is entitled to share in the fruits of her labor. Thus, the little red hen goes about eating the fresh-baked bread with her chicks, leaving none for anyone else.

Slang Term: Any person who attempts to take advantage of another by taking credit or gaining benefit from another person's work or efforts with no contribution or input of their own. To expect something for nothing. To take but not give anything in return.
I finally decided to shorten my list of so-called friends. Take Stephanie for example, she always wants to go out to dinner but never offers to pay. Then there's David. He is always quick to take the credit for the efforts of others, especially when things turn out well, but in fact he makes little if any contribution. Another time I once asked William to help me with some yard work for an upcoming barbecue I was planning. He was a no-show for the work, but made it a point to show up for the party.

Getting rid of them was one of the best decisions I could have ever made. All they were doing is just using me as a red hen.
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? October 20, 2019
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Slang term meaning to slap.
While at the park Margie caught Roger looking at another girl and immediately sideswiped him upside the head.
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? September 30, 2021
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Another term for "Side-Slipper."

Variation: To "side-slide."
Side-Slider: Refer to definition of a "Side-Slipper."
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? August 25, 2018
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Original: Official 1951 United States civil defense film, Duck and Cover. Intended primarily for children, it portrays the act of ducking and covering by the character Bert the Turtle. The concept of "duck and cover" is a method of personal protection against the effects of a nuclear explosion whereby persons near the would-be affected area would drop to the ground in a prone position or seek shelter and protection under such objects as desks or other pieces of furniture, or in structures such as buildings or fallout shelters.

Slang: To be evasive or deceptive in one's behavior.
As the police continued to question the suspect about the events leading up to the crime, it was clear he knew more than he was telling. He immediately went duck and cover and refused to cooperate.
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? March 12, 2018
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