2 definitions by WhiterThanKevinJames'Vagina

The n word for white people. Originates from nilla wafers which are very white, and vanilla, which is also very white. It also has Ls instead of Gs because white people who say this take Ls.
Me: What's up my Nilla!
You: The fuck you just say?
Me: Nilla! Like the n word for white people! Get it cuz nilla wafers are white and-
You: Get the fuck out of my house and go jump off a bridge.
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When you jerk off too much and your weak ass arm cannot handle the g-forces and either becomes numb or just fucking falls off your body.
Doctor: What seems to be the problem?
Me: I have Masturbation Paralyzation.
Doctor: OH SHIT! Get him to the ER, we only have minutes to operate!
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