30 definitions by Whiskey Drinker Me

When your ear itches deep down inside, and the only way to make it stop is to plunge your finger into it and make a rattling motion, as if trying to scratch the itch. Upon doing this, the relief one feels is so intense and pleasurable, it can easily be compared to an orgasm, and some may even say it is difficult to stop digging at the itch once you start, so you are left fingering your ear like an idiot with your eyes rolling back in your head as if you are actually having an orgasm. Thus the term, Eargasm.
John found it hard to resist when his ear suddenly started itching in the doctor's office, and he soon found himself having an eargasm in front of the entire waiting room.
by Whiskey Drinker Me January 5, 2010
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Term used to describe and refer to a person, in any given situation where work is involved, who does as little as they possibly can without getting reprimanded, fired, or noticed by the people who are actually doing the real work. You can generally find dolittles at the water fountain, in the bathroom, at the snack machines, or fumbling around somewhere with some unimportant task, trying to look busy. Every workplace, and every job where a group of 4 or more people are involved has at least one dolittle.
Boss- "Hey Rob, I need you to run down to the store and pick up lunch for the crew."

Rob - "I'm busy, get one of the dolittles to do it."
by Whiskey Drinker Me January 11, 2010
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A dance, usually performed spontaneously, in which the legs are slightly bent and jerked alternately by straightening the knees suddenly, causing the feet to slide approximately 2 to 3 inches to the side or rear, and the arms and hands are freely thrown side to side, then drawn in toward the chest repeatedly while snapping the fingers in time to the beat. (Somewhat similar to "the Carlton")
When Robbie found out he was getting a case of beer for his birthday, he broke into the REDNECK SHUFFLE.
by Whiskey Drinker Me December 2, 2009
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Aside from its usual definition, a racial slur is also what happens when you mix rednecks, NASCAR, and mass quantities of alcohol. Everyone is incoherently slurring about the race, when in actuality, no one has a damn clue who's in the lead or what the point standings are, nor does anyone really give a shit.
Examples of Racial Slurs:

Lap 1, Billy Bob - "Jimmy Johnson's taking this one all the way!"

Lap 1, Jimbo - "I concur, but Tony Stewart has just as much of a chance as any other guy out there."

Lap 119, Billy Bob - "Ib ert shnell mmm, (hic) mmbobble sox."

Lap 119, Jimbo - "Yeeeerrrp, sho mmbrithen gnop shtorin(BUUUURRRRRP)."
by Whiskey Drinker Me January 11, 2010
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When one or more persons engage in the act of searching for bits of crack cocaine that may have been dropped, usually after the initial stash is gone. (See also CARPET SURFING)
ex: Lewis was at a RIGHT ANGLE soon after exhausting his supply of crack.
by Whiskey Drinker Me November 30, 2009
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Unlike a previous definition given by "Alex", this term is definitely NOT circa 1990's. The first known reference to skippies occurred in the mid to late 1970's, and refers to a low-cost type of shoe, most often unnamed, or off-brand, such as pro-max, roos, or some other imitation. Usually having plastic soles, poor construction, and fake leather exterior, and also very poor support of the foot. Although usually sold as athletic shoes, these were the absolute worst choice of footwear for athletes, as the soles would not grip surfaces intended for sports. Often, they would leave scuff marks on floors from the simple act of walking, and they made a clomping sound when walking in hallways of places like schools. This attracted attention from cruel kids, who most often teased the less fortunate for having to wear them.

Side Note from the Definer: Bullying is cruel and affective to sensitive children, but it is also a part of social learning, and self awareness. It is important to allow our children to learn these traits in the world we live in, or they will be devoured in the world yet to come. We are not raising a nation of cry-babies. We should teach them to be warriors. I learned my most important lessons from being a victim of bullies during my youth. Today, no one would dare challenge me in that way. I would swallow them whole without remorse.
Skippies... Make your mama look fine, Skippies, get ya behind in the line, Skippies, cost a dollar ninety nine. Skippieeeeeees!
by Whiskey Drinker Me September 9, 2020
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(Abstract/noun/adj/slg)- when you've spent so much of your life wasted on whiskey and alcoholic similes, you awaken one day to realize you are now 50 years old and your sweet children have grown to adulthood without your guidance or parental presence. No matter how bad you want to wind back the clock, the time machine has broken, and you are stuck in nightmare land.
Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime, Sam Fukkit stepped into the whiskey time-machine accelerator... and vanished. Oh boy.
by Whiskey Drinker Me September 9, 2020
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