12 definitions by WerriamMebster

A phrase written (and sometimes shouted) after one notices their smartphone's auto-correct has corrected a typo to a word other than the one they had actually intended.

Usually, the user notices the incorrect correction after the message has been sent, which results in a frantic and rushed follow-up message to save face.
"I spent all day hunting for a good fuck for tomorrow night."

"*duck! Damn autocorrect!"
by WerriamMebster September 29, 2011
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One who, when writing, has the habit of hyphenating words that do not require hyphenation.
Jack is such a hyphen-whore. I proofread the first paragraph of his paper and found words like "lack-luster", "fully-blown", and "non-existent".
by WerriamMebster July 3, 2012
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Some shit your friends say on Facebook to lead you to believe their life is going somewhere.
"Big things coming up in the future. Making moves!"

"New year, new me. Making moves!"

"I went to the grocery store today and bought some bread! Making moves!"
by WerriamMebster January 13, 2014
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Acronym for "Choose Your Own Destiny"

The statement implicates that you direct the outcome of your own life.
Person A: I saw some really cool graffiti yesterday that said "CYOD" on it.
Person B: Oh, that means Choose Your Own Destiny.
by WerriamMebster August 28, 2014
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-BION, I bumped into Bill Clinton last week.
-Believe it or not, I bumped into Bill Clinton last week.
by WerriamMebster August 4, 2008
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