1 definition by WeenieDog

One of the first free roaming action games to be released after Grand Theft Auto III, True Crime: Streets of LA focuses on the other side of the law in the genre of the police procedural. Unlike GTA, the player is given a good cop/bad cop rating based on the morality of the player's actions. These actions affect the storyline, leading to one of three different endings.

The game features an extensive 240-square mile recreation of Los Angeles with street names, landmarks, highways, and numerous vehicles that can be commandeered by the player.

The game has a branching storyline, which gives it seemingly three storylines, but basically, you're an E0D agent with the LAPD, who was suspended, but put back on duty due to gang trouble.

The game was released in the US November 4, 2003, published by Activision, devoloped by Luxoflux. It was released for Windows, Mac, Xbox, PS2, GameCube, and Mobile Phone.

True Crime: Streets of LA

It's a game, yo!
by WeenieDog May 21, 2007
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