29 definitions by Webster Papadopolous

n. marijuana

Derived from the code: "Cousin Herb", or herb. Used when trying to score a bag when you are parinoid that someone might be listening.
Do you think you could get ahold of your cousin for me?
by Webster Papadopolous July 12, 2004
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The way someone really is which they hide due to social rules, or out of fear of loss or retribution.
I though that guy was cool, but when I got in an argument with him he started yelling and his true colors came out.
by Webster Papadopolous July 12, 2004
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Pocket change that you have saved in a bowl or jar as an emergency fund. Derived from the Coinstar automatic counting machines used to cash the coins in.
Are you going to be able to make rent this month?
Yeah, but I think I'm gonna have to make a withdrawl from my star account if I want to eat.
by Webster Papadopolous July 13, 2004
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n., adj., A rock band from the eighties whose members had long hair, which they teased up with hair-spray to make themselves out to be rebels and distinctive. The music tried to be hard and badass, but was harmless. This is sometimes used as a disparaging description, much like boy band is used today.
Some people classify Motley Crue as Metal, well no offense, but they are really just a Hair Band.
by Webster Papadopolous July 13, 2004
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The response to a question whose answer should be obvious, basically daring the person to ask again. If a someone says this and you ask the question again, be prepared to hear a tirade
I hear you brother is in the National Guard and has been deployed to Iraq. Do you support Dubbya?
Ask me that again
by Webster Papadopolous July 13, 2004
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n. a short fat chick, four feet tall and four feet wide
Check out the 4 X 4, if she trips shes just gonna roll.
by Webster Papadopolous July 12, 2004
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n, A low brow British person who hates Americans and can't argue with one without bringing up the American Revolution, and calling them a Yank as an insult. Similar to an American from the south who hates Northerners and can't argue with one without bringing up the Civil War (the War of Northern Aggression), and calling them a Yankee as an insult. Derived from combination of red coat and red neck.
Do you hear that red coat neck arguing with that Southern hick? If he calls him a Yank, somebody is going to end up in the hospital! ... let's watch.
by Webster Papadopolous July 13, 2004
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