50 definitions by Weasel

An initiation rite performed in Toronto, where new members of a gang show their hommies they have no fear by walking along Jane street between Steeles and sheppard shouting "Jane and Finch"
Tom was allowed into the gang after being JFed
by Weasel September 8, 2004
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sex pee is where you came, but didnt pee right afterwards, and then when you go to piss afterwads, it shoots off in the wrong direction.
dude, I fuct Ally last night man, but we fell asleep, and like, i had sex pee. So i had to clean up the floors...
by Weasel February 4, 2005
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a dance when you slap your hand, on the sides your thighs/ vagina part and rotate your hips
bitch i can volva you any day volva you anyday!!
by Weasel January 21, 2005
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similar to the act of a jack-in-the-box, but rather when one flips up the toilet seat and finds a disgusting piece of old, yellow-brown, shit sitting at the bottom of the comode; this is usually done as a joke to show off your big load to a friend or relative, and is very rude because they didnt flush it down
i saw the worst poop-in-the-john this morning, my brother said he dropped it the night before, which explained the absurd shape and color of it
by Weasel May 19, 2005
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an IRC loser, on the irctoo.net network and hangs constantly in #xbox.
Tomx is on #xbox again
by Weasel June 22, 2004
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Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound it represents.
also imitative harmony.
-splash, wow, gush, kerplunk
-flcl (Japanese, the sound of feeling a woman's breasts)

by Weasel September 8, 2003
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the process of pinching a loaf and beating off simulataneously, which requires intense concentration
craperbating is one of my hobbies because i can enjoy two things at once
by Weasel May 4, 2005
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