50 definitions by Weasel

A great band who at the time only has 1 fucking song. From New Zealand and I would buy their album if it has more then that song on it.
Linkin Park needs a new song but Steriogram needs a new song
by Weasel September 9, 2004
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Man that Tito Puentes is such an Ulle.
by Weasel September 14, 2003
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someone who is sexy and arzy. Arzy isn't a word though. So uh...yes.
Jigen is sarzy and awesome. Smokey is not.
by Weasel August 29, 2003
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holy shit you got pwned
he is pwning everyone
by Weasel July 3, 2004
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1. the act of tickling one's face
2. any rubbing of one's hairy pubic region against one's face while performing oral sex
My girl got a nice face tickler from my hairy choade while she was giving me a rimmer last night.
by Weasel February 10, 2003
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