31 definitions by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling

A Chad who never wanted to be a Chad in the first place. InChads are typically asexual, hate playing sports because theirs dads made them, and resent their own good looks.

Short for involuntary Chad.
Charlie played football back in high school. He hates talking to girls and shaved his head so girls would stop flirting with him. He’s an InChad.
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling December 20, 2021
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Short for “family stamina”. It’s your ability to tolerate family interactions (Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas, weddings and funerals, etc…) without getting tired of them.
Uncle Matthew went on a racist rant, Mom demanded I help clean her bathroom even though I haven’t lived in her place in 4 years, and my brother called me an idiot in the middle of a board game for absolutely no reason.

I swear, I have no fam-stam left. I think I’ll just stay home next Christmas.
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling December 25, 2021
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A portmanteau of car + barbarian. Someone who clearly got their drivers license in a box of Cracker Jacks. These are people who behave like complete assholes behind the wheel and refuse to recognize the humanity of anyone who isn’t in a car, and frequently the other drivers on the road as well.
Typical traits of carbarians:
-Always driving at 20 mph above the speed limit, even in residential areas

-Removing the mufflers from their cars for no other reason than to make more noise
-Intentionally running over cyclists and pedestrians
-Voting against anything that would be convenient to anyone other than themselves and other carbarians, thereby turning their town into a mess of freeways, traffic jams, overpasses, and parking lots for shitty chain restaurants

-Having religious objections to using their turn signals

-Driving drunk or distracted

-Owning a low mileage car
-Having way too many political bumper stickers
-Honking at non-carbarians for doing the speed limit
-Hit and runs
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling April 24, 2022
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To mindlessly buy shit you don’t need for stupid reasons, typically because it’s advertised well.
Don’t ask questions, just consume product and get excited for next products.
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling February 1, 2022
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Much like a stroad is a street and a road combined into an unholy abomination, a strighway is a street and a highway combined into something even worse.

In other words, it has businesses on either side like a street, but heavy high speed traffic like a highway. It’s not effective as a street because of the intense car traffic and poor walkability, nor is it effective as a highway because of the density of exits and people getting off.

Features of a strighway include giant strip malls on either side featuring supermarkets and chain restaurants, 5-lane main roads with 2-lane frontage/access roads on either side, billboards for injury lawyers, and interchanges with other strighways that are impossible to navigate.
Examples of strighways include the Katy Expressway near Houston, I-35 through San Antonio/Austin, and George Bush Turnpike in DFW. There are also strighways outside of Texas, like the Jersey Turnpike, but they’re most prominent in Texas.
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling August 15, 2022
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Sometimes referred to as Chipmunk Mode.

Slang for putting a video, especially a boring instructional video, on 2x speed to make it go by faster, typically because the presenter talks too slowly. So named because it makes the presenter sound like Ben Shapiro (or a chipmunk).
Ugh, another asynchronous lecture video. Let's save us some time and energy and put it into Shapiro Mode.
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling September 1, 2021
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It means simply not doing shit you’re not paid to do at work, or refusing to do the job of two people when you’re only paid for one.
Act your wage at work. Don’t exhaust yourself over shit you’re not paid for. Don’t take unpaid overtime. Get comfortable telling your boss no, and unionize, unionize, unionize!
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling October 28, 2022
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