6 definitions by We know it really is broken

noun: A fucked up situation that is illogical. Often used to describe what kind of outcome might result from an ill-advised decision. This term is a Deep South synonym for cluster fuck.
Guy1: Hey man why don't we head on down to the swamp and do some ketamine?
Guy2: That sounds like a hog mount waiting to happen. I think I will pass.
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Spiralicity is a measure of two factors: how tight the spiral of a thrown football is, and how rapid the rotation rate of the football is. When the tightness (lack of wobble) and the speed of the rotation are considered together, the spiralicity of the pass can be gaged.
Michael Vick's passes never were known for their spiralicity, but ever since he got convicted of that dog fighting hog mount I think his passes are even uglier. In a way it doesn't matter because after that I quit watching him play, DTLOI.
by We know it really is broken September 13, 2013
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Man in car syndrome is when a woman who is having car trouble of some type takes a man (mechanic, co-worker, friend, etc.) for a drive to have him observe the problem and help her diagnose the problem or get it fixed, only to have the problem absolutely REFUSE to reoccur while the man is in the car, thus frustrating her.
After several weeks of her car stalling almost every time she tried to accelerate when it was cold, Jenn took her friend Keith for a ride so he could help her diagnose the problem. But, unfortunately, probably due to man in car syndrome, she couldn't make the car stall and it ran flawlessly. Needless to say, she was frustrated. The whole thing was a hog mount.
by We know it really is broken December 19, 2013
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A shitty pre-made meal served to hundreds of hapless guests by dozens of hapless servers. Usually features chicken cordon bleu.

Not a meal you wanted.
Guest 1: Hey what's for dinner after the wedding?

Guest 2: It's a hotel banquet!

Guest 1: shitty chicken cordon bleu?

Guest 2: Yep!
by We know it really is broken October 4, 2013
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The two hundred foot font is the font used to put signs on the back of dump trucks that say "stay back 200 feet." The font cannot be read from more than 100 feet away.
Hey dad should we put up a sign to keep people from driving over the cliff? Yeah - use the two hundred foot font. - by Cornelius Trucker...
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This is an acronym for "Due To Lack Of Interest." The term is popular as a sidebar or casual comment about why something did or did not happen, regarding events in business or personal life. When said out loud the correct method is to name each letter (like this: dee-tee-el-oh-eye), not turn it into a spoken word. Often the term is used in a snarky way.
Two examples:

"The project meeting today is canceled, DTLOI."

"I told her I could not be a bridesmaid in her wedding because we were going to be hiking in Afghanistan that month, but truthfully it's just DTLOI."
by We know it really is broken August 29, 2013
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