9 definitions by WatcherInc

One of the best video game consoles EVER, after the PS2 most likely

Did I forget to mention it Had FREE online????! OMG SIGN ME TF UP

best games (coD, last of us, GTA, need for speed, uncharted, etc)
The PS3 needs more love, it’s very underrated. PS3 still exists in many households today

The PS3 was released in ‘06 but people didn’t start ACTUALLY HAVING them until 2009-2011 era

PS3 is a beautiful gaming system, nuff said

“I used to have a ps3 slim then got a super slim ps3, yeaah life was good in the ps3 days”

PS3 > Xbox 360
by WatcherInc August 26, 2022
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Best breakfast item on the mcdonalds menu

Contains delicious ham HAMMMMMM and egg with cheese covered by 2 muffin bread slices
Egg mcmuffin is AMAZING
by WatcherInc August 26, 2022
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Best breakfast item on the mcdonalds menu

Contains delicious and egg with cheese covered in 2 muffin bread slices
by WatcherInc August 26, 2022
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Highly underrated dceu movie, overly hated yet still talked about to this very day

Originally released in 2016, critics and audiences weren’t ready for this masterpiece, the ultimate edition btw is the DEFINITIVE VERSION, the theatrical cut doesn’t do it much Justice. (Pun intended)

Batman and superman fight, blah blah ! Martha!!! But the movies great even though WB crammed the justice league setup and other useless junk in it.

All in all, great dc movie with flaws, yes but entertaining comic book flick nonetheless
Batman v superman is a cult classic

Batman v superman aged like wine

Critics hate BVS because they expected a kid friendly mcu movie

zack snyder gave us man of steel and Batman v superman, followed by justice league

Batman v Superman is the follow up to man of steel rather than an “OFFICIAL” man of steel sequel

Batfleck killed it as batman!!!!!!!!

one of the most important dceu movies is Batman v superman

Batman v superman setup MOST OF THE DCEU

Guy 1: blah batman v Superman is lame, pure trash

Guy 2: get a load of this brainless tick, go watch your transformers and marvel comedies

Guy 1: whaaaaat?? *confused and lacking intelligence*

Random nerd: Batman v Superman is misunderstood

Random guy 2: I agree, Batman v Superman gets OVERHATED, there’s ALOT of good and awesomeness in that movie

**shakes hands**

Batman v superman
by WatcherInc August 26, 2022
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Pork-less bacon, still tastes alright albeit somewhat plastic-y but delicious anyway

Turkey strips made from turkey instead of pig

Turkey bacon is delicious breakfast substitute for the other bacon
Turkey bacon tastes pretty fine

Most people STILL PREFER REAL BACON though
by WatcherInc August 26, 2022
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Rocksteady did a good job with this one, a perfect sequel, can’t say the same about many games like that but oof, even Arkham knight despite being brilliant barely measures up
Batman arkham city is superior to Batman Arkham knight IN TERMS OF STORY, and gameplay even though Batman Arkham knight IS STILL INCREDible

if you’ve never played Batman Arkham city YOU ARE DOING YOURSELF A HUGE DISSERVICE!!! GO NOW AND PLAY IT !!!!!!

anytime marvel wants to compete with gaming, (spiderman ps4 is great DONT get me wrong) remember who laid the foundation for high quality superhero gaming; the Batman Arkham games

Preferably “batman arkham city

Batman Arkham City, a modern day PlayStation masterpiece

Batman arkham city is how video games SHOULD BE MADE, it’s the gold standard that set example after example for superhero games and sequels in general
by WatcherInc August 26, 2022
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A gaming console that MOST PEOPLE HAVE NOWADAYS (yes EVEN people that don’t play games that much)

PS4 dropped in 2013 yet people didn’t have them until a bit after that
PS4 is dope asf, go play spiderman on it or uncharted or even the last of us 1&2

“The PS4 had a short lifespan it seems but we need to keep it alive lest it will suffer like the PS3”
by WatcherInc August 26, 2022
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