47 definitions by Wasabimoto

Restrooms you do NOT want to shit in. Public restrooms are usually plagued with:

-Unflushed toilets with piles of toilet paper, piss and shit. Flushing is impossible.


-Skeet on toilets or other places.

In public schools, restrooms are even worse, where they include all the above, plus:

-Stalls with no doors or doors with no locks.

-Damp paper towels stuck to the wall and floor.



-Assholes who will fuck around with you as you take a shit.

-School books and stolen backpacks in toilets.
1) As I walked into my school's public bathroom, I discovered shit in the sink, and some asshole decided to restock the toilet paper dispencer with used, shitty t.p.

2) The toilets in the public restroom were so powerful, I managed to flush a jacket without clog.
by Wasabimoto August 25, 2010
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Was a wrestler for the now-gay WWE. He was a great wrestler the whole time he's been in. He had a special move called the Crippler crossface, a grappling move that has made many people tap out in his career. He is a 3-time WWE U.S. Champion, a 4-time WWE Intercontinental champion, and the winner of the 2004 Royal Rumble.
He first entered the WCW in 1992, ECW in 1994, back too the WCW in 1995, then the WWF/WWE in 2000.

At first, the cause of Benoit's sudden change was thought to be anger caused by steroids, but now, that is no longer a valid reason.
Chris Benoit was a good man. Nobody knows why he would have killed his family.
by Wasabimoto September 6, 2007
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From The Simpsons: Cleatus: Hey, Ma! Come check out this spikey haired lil' girl!!!

Not from the Simpsons: Ma: Ima comin', Cleatus!
by Wasabimoto March 27, 2007
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Usually a way to say someone is fired.

But can also mean that they've been fuckin' owned.
by Wasabimoto August 14, 2009
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Bacardi 151 Holy Shit! More like Bacardi 911, amirite? This shit came stright from a gas pump. After a shot, vapors will burn your esophogus and evaporate out your mouth. Light it up a take a hit. This will spell disaster. It is 75% alcohol or 151 proof, hence it's name.
I took two shots of Bacardi 151 and decided it was quite disgusting
by Wasabimoto August 29, 2009
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Malt liquor that contains 11% alcohol and caffine, along with a mix of other shit. One 24oz. will most likely get you fuckin' shit-canned. One is all you need. It can get you just as fucked up, if not more, as a few shots of tequila.
Can come in various flavors like Fruit Punch and Orange. May taste like acetone. I know mine did.
I thought I was dying after one can of Four Loko.
by Wasabimoto August 27, 2009
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A boring-ass place where all you do is listen to some robed asswipe yap about some bullshit from the bible. You also get to sing gay gospel songs. It usually lasts 2 hours, but some churches can go up to 4-7 hours.
Kid: Man, my mom just made me go to church. it sucked ass.

Friend: Man that's gay. There goes two hours of your life wasted.

Kid: Two? Try five.

Friend: Fuuuuuuucccck..................
by Wasabimoto April 28, 2007
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