4 definitions by Waifi

verb (past tense)
1. another way to say yeeted

1. slang usually used by furries and maybe some other people when referring to a coyote or someone with a coyote fursona (pronounced as a clipping of the original word)
(see also: yarp yarp)
verb (past tense)
1. The drunk man yote the empty barrel across the tavern.

1. I saw a yote on the bus today. A real one, I mean; not a fursuiter. He was more polite than most of the humans.
by Waifi July 7, 2020
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noun (plural yeens)
1. (furry jargon) a hyena, often used in a similar way to the word "doggo", except "yeen" is a clipping of the original word
2. a nickname for someone whose fursona is a hyena

1. a contraction of the words "you ain't" or "you ain't even"

There are many other nicknames for hyenas that have been derived from this word. (e.g.: yeener, yeen bean, yeeb, etc.) They all mean pretty much the same thing, and are interchangeable.
noun (plural yeens)
1. I got to go see some actual yeens at a wildlife education center yesterday. Did you know there are different kinds of yeens?

1. Yeen gon' say hi your gramma?
by Waifi July 7, 2020
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1. slang usually used by furries when referring to a coyote or someone with a coyote fursona (derived from one of the barking sounds coyotes make)
2. an onomatopoeia describing the shrill bark of a coyote

Not to be confused with yarp. And not to be confused with the acronym YARP (Yet Another Robot Platform), which is a software package for creating robots.
1. There were a bunch of yarp yarps behind my house last night, and they kept me awake for hours with their loud barking.
2. If you've never heard the sound of a coyote, I'll describe it for you. It sounds like a harsh, shrill "yarp yarp" kind of barking, like the dog version of the crazy old man who works at the junk yard and yells at people.
by Waifi July 7, 2020
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1. to give an item or opportunity, usually used in terms of a request
2. a funny spelling for the word "give" (often used in memes of animals, etc.)

• similar to gimme
• sometimes used with grabby hands/grabby paws
1. Wait, we have carrot cake? Oh, gib!
2. Cat meme asking for affection:
Gib kiss.
by Waifi July 7, 2020
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