3 definitions by WV guido

A person, usually of Italian heritage, that you may see leaving the local tanning salon. This breed usually sports am 80's track suit, with jacket unzipped far enough to show his wife beater, & gold herringbone with the Itialian Horn. Also these creatures can be found sporty a mullet especially the males & their female counterparts usually have big 80's hair & sport animal print tight clothing with hooker heels.

They may also be spotted in the wild at your local grocery store fighting over last pack of hot Itialian sausages & a have a buggy full of pasta.
They may anwser to whop, dego, or sphagetti snapper.
Dego thru snow, dego thru rain, but when dego go flat dego Whop, Whop, Whop!
by WV guido March 30, 2014
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The cotton piece of fabric found near the camel toe area of thong underwear.
Damn, if it wasn’t for her cum catcher, it would be running down her legs.
by WV guido May 23, 2020
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A bingo whore can be best described as a female acquaintance of numerous methamphetamine cooks & by doing so she plays Bingo to determine the next meth cook she will fuck for meth!
Karen is a bingo whore, this week because she was with Ethan last wk & he ran out of supplies & now she has moved on to Chris who has his supplies together this wk.
by WV guido March 29, 2014
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