5 definitions by WORSETHANSATAN

A short fat chick that is as wide as she is tall.
That turdgoblin Jenny weighs 300lbs. but still can't go on the adult rides at the fair because shes not tall enough.
by WORSETHANSATAN September 13, 2003
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not happy with the way things are going or with someones actions.
This damned lawnmwer is about to give a case of the ass!
by WORSETHANSATAN September 13, 2003
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not happy with the way things are going or with someones actions.
This damned lawnmower is about to give me a case of the ass!
by WORSETHANSATAN September 13, 2003
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not happy with the way things are going or with someones actions.
This damned lawnmwer is about to give me a case of the ass!
by WORSETHANSATAN September 13, 2003
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Angry to the point of no return,usually with the outcome ending in great violence to the one who has given you"a case of the ass" to begin with.
That f#@*ing Sam has got me all assed-up over not paying me my money!
by WORSETHANSATAN September 13, 2003
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