9 definitions by Vorhees

A small storage building usually as part as a garden where people store things like the lawn mower and bikes.
I lock/store my bike inside my shed.
by Vorhees August 2, 2006
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Led Zeppelin is a British band (english) that formed in the 1960's.

Its been said about 100 times now, and they are, arguably, the best rock band and most influential band ever. You may not think its the best, people have different tastes, but you've got to respect that they are, basically, responsible (as in, they inspiried and influenced them) for the many rock and metal bands that are out today.
Led Zeppelin is awesome! Don't try to act tough and be a rebel and be all ''led zepp sux'', you'll just embarass yourself!
by Vorhees August 2, 2006
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Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizadry is a fictional school from the Harry Potter books. It is a hidden school where students aged 11 to 17 learn magic and many other things.

It is assumed that Hogwarts is in Scotland, as it takes many hours to get to from Kings Cross, in London.

At the very first day of Hogwarts, the new students are placed into the 4 houses, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. At the end of the year, the students take a test and if they pass, they continue onto their second year. At the end of the second year, the students' take more lessons, they can choose which other lessons they want, along with the core subjects that they had in years 1 and 2. In year 5, students can pick any subjects they want to continue and drop subjects they don't want to continue, into their 6th and 7th year. A prefect boy and prefect girl is also chosen from each house at 5th year. Students also take their O.W.L. tests in the 5th year. In the 7th year, a Head boy and Head girl is chosen, and students also take their N.E.W.T.'s in this year, thus completing their education at Hogwarts.

Hogwarts lessons:
Defense against the Dark Arts
Muggle Studies
Care of Magical Creatures
History of Magic
Flying Class (1st years)
-I may have missed one or two.-
Hogwarts is hidden from muggles; by charms and it is unplottable.
by Vorhees July 31, 2006
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The RAF is the Royal Air Force of Britain. It is one of the best Air Forces in the world and is also one of the most technologically advanced, it is also said to have the best pilots.

The RAF's mission is to: ''Produce a battle-winning agile air force: fit for the challenges of today; ready for the tasks of tomorrow; capable of building for the future; working within Defence to achieve shared purpose.'' and to ''provide the capabilities needed: to ensure the security and defence of the United Kingdom and Overseas Territories, including against terrorism; to support the Government’s foreign policy objectives particularly in promoting international peace and security''

Brief histroy of the RAF: The RAF defeated the german Air Force in World War 2, stopping the germans from invading the UK, and have contributed to the Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and many many, many other things in History.
RAF is one of the greatest Air Forces in the world.
by Vorhees August 28, 2006
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A spell from the Harry Potter series.
Protego is a shield charm that is used to deflect hexes and jinxes.
The incantation is ''Protego!'' and it is pronounced Pro-tay-go.
Harry uses the Protego charm on several occasions, one of them being when he stopped the Death Eaters from summoning the prophecy in Order of the Phoenix (Book 5)
by Vorhees July 31, 2006
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Fawkes is Dumbledores pet phoenix in the Harry Potter series. Fawkes is the 2nd known thing to survive the Avada Kedavra curse.
Fawkes is loyal to Dumbledore and Dumbledore only.


Fawkes is also 'Guy Fawkes', the famous man who is responsible for the Gun Powder plot and which many people celebrate in Britain on November the 5th, bonfire night.
Fawkes swallowed the Avada Kedavra curse conjured by Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic enterance hall.
by Vorhees July 31, 2006
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Krabby is a water type pokémon from the Pokémon series.

In the episode Mystery At The Lighthouse, Ash Ketchum captures a Krabby on the beach and it later evolves into the stronger Kingler pokémon. Krabby can also be captured in most pokémon games.
Krabby Stats:

Type: Water
Height: 1 ft 4 inch
Weight: 14.30lb
by Vorhees July 19, 2006
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