10 definitions by VoN

1. A bodega of the nigular variety
2. A bodega that is nigtastic, niggeriffic, and altogether nigtacular
3. A place to nig.
4. An alternate chorus to "Too Much Information" by The Police
"Nigular Bodega, goin thru my brain / Nigular Bodega, drivin me insane"
by VoN March 21, 2005
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Also the name of a pharmacy
Hey lets go to the CVs pharmacy
by VoN January 24, 2005
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A small furry toy that is used as a butt plug
Peter: "John? What did you use for that butt plug?"

John: "I used a Buttweasel of course!"
by VoN January 24, 2003
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Looks like a chicken nugget, only shitty brown
by VoN March 22, 2003
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A word used to describe a person, in any way, shape, or form.
" Man dat nigga is a mutha f***ing eoing "
by VoN August 10, 2004
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