10 definitions by Viroodiem

The earliest sites and chunks of data that made up the first foundations of the world wide web. Data that has been lost to the depths of the internet and no longer retrievable.

In contemporary terms The Ancient Web is made up of the lost history of the internet sometimes view able on thewaybackmachine or other archives that exists in time before the fall of geocites.

The term will perpetually be changing to consume greater swaths of the history of the internet until clearly defined eras are identified.
"I remember a story from years ago, but it is lost to the ancient web."
by Viroodiem October 30, 2018
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Antonym of whitewash. A portmanteau of the term POC or Persons of Color and whitewashing that serves as the opposite meaning of whitewashing.

POCwash is the process of taking establish content and characters and supplanting them with Persons Of Color, when the original source material or historical event involved white people.
There has been a lot of POCwash in superhero movies as of late.
by Viroodiem October 22, 2018
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