49 definitions by Virgin Suicides

Nerd : hey, wanna be my naked makeout lady for the forseeable future ?
Woman : hmmm, that sounds like nerdspeak for something. Since I don't have my 'Nerdspeak To English' dictionary with me, what does it mean ?
Nerd : well, in your language it means 'female fuck buddy'.
Woman : Oh. Well, no thank you.
Nerd : Well, have intercourse in that direction, you birther of canine puppies.
Woman : More nerdspeak ?
Nerd : Yep.
Woman : what could 'have intercourse in that direction, you birther of canine puppies' possibly mean ?
Nerd : it means, 'fuck you, bitch' !
by Virgin Suicides June 7, 2017
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There I was ... all slobbed out : sitting on my fat ass, drinking beer, blasting huge farts and watching scantily clad women walk by with all of their huge, pendulous cleavage hanging out. And I thought 'is this Iowa ?' (Field Of Dreams Homage). No, it's heaven. Guy's heaven.
by Virgin Suicides October 28, 2017
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1. the sub-grouping within a competitive tournament whereby those who suffer their first loss are demoted to a pool of similar types who have suffered a like fate; one more defeat in this category renders the unfortunate complete elimination from the field.
2. a common perception that certain individuals are moving through their respective lives already having suffered some type of major defeat (or many smaller ones), thereby rendering them to a decidedly less than ideal existence.
Look at Joe : he attended all the wrong schools thereby acquiring all the wrong type of friends; this precipitated choosing the wrong type of occupation and marrying the wrong type of girl. Now he's in the wrong type of neighborhood with the wrong type of kids. Joe could be said to be existing in the loser's bracket of life.
by Virgin Suicides October 17, 2017
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most celebrity athletes, entertainers, personalities, politicians who achieved the bulk of their success the other side of the millennium (i.e., the 20th Century).
Think about it. How many late 20th Century celebrities are still in the public eye today ? Not many, right ? The somebodies of yesterday are the nobodies of today ...
by Virgin Suicides September 27, 2017
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phrase that two grown men can exchange as a sign of mutual admiration, confidence, loyalty and trustworthiness without any implication of erotic or sexual attraction.
From the popular podcast S-Town :

John B. McLemore : I love you, man.
Tyler Goodson : I know that. I love you too, John B.
John B. : And just because I say that, Tyler, doesn't mean I'm trying to get up your butt !
Tyler : I know that, John B. You've been like a second father to me.

(Months later, after John B.'s suicide) :

Tyler : Poor John B. Man, I miss that fucker ...

If S-Town is essentially correct, I think a lot of people miss John B. We all love you, John B. And miss you.
by Virgin Suicides July 27, 2017
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age-old bit of classic school boy doggerel sung to the tune of The Beatles 'Hey Jude'.
Hey Dude, I saw you nude
don't try and fake it,
I saw you naked.
The moment that you went out streaking,
I was at my window -
- peeking.
by Virgin Suicides October 6, 2017
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the subtitle for Detroit, Michigan for the last twenty plus years. Also where professional athletes who's teams get blown out / routed in the early rounds of their respective league playoffs go to drown their sorrows.
Welcome to Detroit, your dystopian hipster theme park getaway ! Just look up every once in awhile to avoid being hit by falling broken concrete or rusted out steel beams.

Commercial Voice Over : Hey Joe Blow, your team just got the shit kicked out of it in the first round of the playoffs. What are you gonna do next ?
Joe Blow : Well I sure as hell ain't going to Disneyland now, am I ? Guess I'll head me over to the dystopian hipster theme park and smoke me some crack and chug cheap-ass wine !
by Virgin Suicides May 9, 2017
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