13 definitions by Violetownz

That little symbol people often have at the end of a sentance when they miss the number one.

Chatter: OMG~
Chatter: *OMG! That damn wigglacious thing is so annoying~
by Violetownz January 17, 2008
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Fucking ugly
Ugly with an f
F with an ugly
"Your ugly, bitch."
"Well you're a fugly sow-ass."
by Violetownz December 29, 2007
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Like an antelope, with shit.
The shitalope is a majestic creature. With a long curving neck, all covered with shit.
by Violetownz January 3, 2008
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Teacher: Why didn't you turn in your homework?
Me: Your mom.
Teacher: What do you think your doing, sleeping in class?!
Me:...Your mom.
Teacher: Any questions?
Me: Your mom... I mean, your mom?
by Violetownz January 18, 2008
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The uncomfortable firey place you find yourself in after the uncomfortably wicker place.
Person: What the fuck is with this fucking basket?
Other Person: It's saying stuff like that that got you here.
Person: Fuck you, what do you know?
Other Person:...
Another Person: Omigoz!! The basket is on fire!!!11!!!1

by Violetownz December 29, 2007
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Waffles, penguins, cookies, pancakes, ect. <--Not random

Shouting these things does not make you random (aka cool). It makes you look stupid. I mean, wtf? How the hell is screaming "PENGUINS EAT WAFFLES ON MY PORCH!!!1~" random when that's exactly what the post above you said.

I am so utterly pissed off at the over-use of the word random. It puts true acts of randomness to SHAME. SHAME SHAME SHAME.
by Violetownz January 18, 2008
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