65 definitions by Victor

Cousin to the dirty sanchez, This manuever is done by inserting three fingers into the womans anus, and then rather than smearing it under her nose, you smear it under her eyes like warpaint of the navaho indians.
I gave that bitch a raunchy navaho
by Victor December 9, 2004
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when something starng jhappens
origin south east london
ur girl chesated on u thats deep
by Victor April 8, 2004
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Something that is badassed is something that's really cool. Similar in use to 'kick ass.'
My new sports car is badassed.
by Victor April 30, 2003
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What Bush needs, since he's so fucking full of it.
Buy laxatives for Bush! For $10, we will send a $7 pack of laxatives to the White House and $3 to Iraqi charity organizations.
by Victor September 24, 2004
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ebonics: fo shizzle my nizzle. holla bak fo a 40 n mah grill.
english: of course my african american friend. Come back to have a drink in my home.
by Victor March 15, 2004
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Anthony green former lead singer of Saosin and is currently in the band Circa Survive.
Great song writer and REALLY great singer whose voice can from screams to high notes in a FLASH! His voice can move a crowd.

Also, famous for his performances, because he dances on stage and moves his body freely.
Wow i saw anthony green and his dancing and voice gave me an orgasm.
by Victor November 19, 2004
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