1 definition by VictimOfTheGremlin

The gremlin is a furry critter that will use her petit stature and nubile appearance to gain the trust of others. Upon making the mistake of trusting a gremlin, she will then lurk in dark corners and attack at any given moment. This evil hobbit will engage in acts of deceit and general tomfoolery as a means of social interaction. Characteristics of the gremlin will include:
-Rage blackouts
-Violent attacks from behind, especially on the knees
-Full speed bodychecks
-Stealing food from gardens
-The belief that she is average height, when she is in fact, gremlin height
-The use of such phrases as "frig-a-mug" and "go S a D"
Ryan: Hello, I was just calling regarded your --- OW
Gremlin: hahaha hahaha hahaha (runs away)
Ryan: I think that gremlin just took out my legs
by VictimOfTheGremlin August 25, 2009
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