21 definitions by Vicky

basically, pounk is the expulsion of intestinal gases through the anus (ie. a fart)
Ben really tried hard to hold his pounk in class today. You smell like pounk.
by Vicky December 3, 2003
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u na wot it is all u fukin people wastin thr time callin charvas worse thn shit shud just shut the fuk up now coz nayones really tht bovad wot ova people fink!! n charvas arent all fukin bad ya na!! sum ppl just wanna be charvas because thy lyk the clothes n lyk the music!! n callin us all tramps is anuther waste of time too becoz oviusly wer not tramps if we can afford fukin rockports n berghauses!!
im a charva but am not tht bad i dont go getin myslef locked up all the time by pinchin n stuff.nd ave dun really well in school as well so all u ppl out thr hu r griefing charvas should just fink b4 thy speak!!
by Vicky July 9, 2004
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My Uber-sexy love bot that lurks on irc.PaintballChat.net
* Markhoff rapes pinball in his tight little boy asshole.
by Vicky April 3, 2004
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a tan you gain while driving a transit van
when on the vinylresin.tk tour they gained a transit tan
by Vicky May 23, 2004
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someone who always say's they'll be there but either:
1. doesn't turn up, or
2. gives a vague excuse as to why they are going to not show up
Yeah man i'll be there i'll bring a load of my mates!
by Vicky May 24, 2004
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Yala, better spelt "yalla" is an Arabic word which means "come on" or urges people to hurry up.
Yalla, let's all get back to work.
Yalla, answer me....
by Vicky March 20, 2005
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neesha is a girl who has MORALS. she likes to have FRIZZZZEEEE hair. anyone who questions the frizz will be shot. this includes you sarah.
"oh my god what the hell is that on your head???" (sarah)
"my frizz you bitch. you must now die".
by Vicky November 27, 2003
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