21 definitions by Vicky

WTF stands for Wombat Task Force.A group of talented individuals, ranging from a mexican communist, a radical jew, and a bunch of other lovable characters. Their main goal is to bring down the Prep Dictatorship, and shove our non-sandled feet into their arse. They're bound to piss of as many snobs as possible and help out the under dogs all over school. The Wombat Task Force was almost named the Whiskey Task Force, but that idea was shot down like an american soldier in Iraq.
"Man did you hear about the kids in that WTF Party?"
"Yeah, I hear they snort coke and molest little kids."
"Bitch please, that's the other party."
"Oh yeah, they have a pretty sweet theme song."
by Vicky March 22, 2005
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Something that belongs to you.
Hey is that the blue pen that was on the desk ? Yeah . Oh that's mine.
by Vicky October 6, 2016
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That feeling when you're all lazy and feeling heavy, and cannot bring yourself to do anything much.
You've just had a beer and a jay, it's quite late, there's nothing good on TV, but you can't be bothered to do anything else. You're feeling floopy.
by Vicky December 10, 2003
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Howler is often recognized as a magical item from the Harry Potter series, when in fact that is not all it is. In British slang, a 'Howler' is a boner. JK Rowling sure got all us Americans, didn't she?
"Oy, Fred, you better get to the bathroom and take care of that howler!"
by Vicky February 17, 2005
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Slang for Michael Jackson, created by the childish media.
Wacko Jacko has done it again.
by Vicky February 8, 2004
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