14 definitions by Vermont Ferret

The period of a person's life that falls between youth and wishing you would fucking die. For some the line between middle age and old age is very thin.

Richard Nixon was born middle aged; Madonna achieved middle age when she became irrelevant; Dick Cheney bypassed middle age and went straight to old age as fast as he could get there.
My dad and mom still think they're young, but the sad truth is they hit middle age early in life and won't admit it.
by Vermont Ferret July 14, 2005
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(slang expression): Originating in the 1950s as a response to a statement of dubious veracity or credibility, it's an acronym for "Keep believing it".
Bush: We can win the war on terror by killing every muslim in the middle east.

Intelligent Person: Yeah, k.b.i.
by Vermont Ferret August 24, 2006
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(noun): Gay reference to a favorite sexual partner/boyfriend.
Saw you last night with Mr. Boofoo, and, man, he ugly! No booty an' he looks just like that hoAnne Coulter.
by Vermont Ferret February 15, 2005
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(1) Depending on the context, an acronym for either "Stay-At-Home-Mom" or "Shit-Ass-Ho-Motherfucker" (see dooce).

(2) Last name of the greatest white blues singer ever.
(1) You can read about one very hot, very funny SAHM at dooce.com.

(2) Doug Sahm was one great bluesman. Austin, Texas, will never be the same again without him.
by Vermont Ferret May 21, 2005
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(noun, proper name): A sleazy,lying, anorexic, pin-legged, right-wing alcoholic twinkie ho who subsists entirely on a diet of cigarettes and Chardonnay.
The only thing I could find to wipe my butt with out in the woods was a discarded one-by-twelve inch autographed photo of Ann Coulter.
by Vermont Ferret February 10, 2005
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(noun): Originally, a term of affection to describe a hot tuna who hangs with surfers at the beach. The term now refers more generally to hot chix who live, work, or play at the beach.
The surf bunnies in South Carolina all look like dudes! Sike!
by Vermont Ferret March 4, 2005
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