17 definitions by Valintino the Big Surpremo

A burden to the human race, a scourge of humanity, a disgusting demon from Hell. The reason for such atrocities like the ESRB, v-chips, and the freakin' FCC. Soccer moms are a subspecies of humans, like monkeys and chimpanzees. They are often middle-aged and blonde, but they act like they're 20 and they often wear track pants to show of their disgusting hippo-ass that will make you vomit. They think their little, bratty, teeny boppers spawned from the radioactive shit from the asshole of Satan. Seriously, their kids are like demons! Soccer moms often force their offspring to do some sort of after school (soccer, baseball, football, etc.). Soccer moms also have very strict rules.
Me: *listening to Banana 101.5 in my Dad's car while he gets some smokes and beer*
Soccer Mom: You turn that awful garbage off this instant!
Me: *turns it up*
Me: Fuck you.
SM: *angry groan* YOU... YOU...*stomps off in anger*
Me: What a bitch.
by Valintino the Big Surpremo August 15, 2010
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Possibly the most idiotic, uncreative insult ever. It's similar to a "yo mama joke", but a your mom joke is even more retarded. It's usually used by morons and idiots who can't come up with a decent comeback or insult. Another annoying thing is when a dumbass says a "your mom" insult, another dumbass (often a random douchebag that has nothing to do with the situation, but decides to butt in) will say something like "OHHHHHHHH!!!" or "You just got burned!!!".
(guy 1 pushes guy 2)
guy 2: What the Hell you, pushed me you motherfucking, piece of shit, cock sucking, ass-faced, douchebag!
guy 1: Well ummmm, I pushed your mom if you know what I mean!
random idiot: OHHHHHHH!!! You got burned!!!
guy 2: That was a shitty comeback
guy 1: Your mom is a shitty comeback!
random idiot: OHHHHHHHH!!! Burned again!!!
(guy 2 kicks the shit out of guy 1 and random idiot for being annoying and retarded)
by Valintino the Big Surpremo August 26, 2010
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