49 definitions by VICKI KARMA

Everything that is put in front of you during any given day.
How was your day?
Testing!...but i did well at not passing every test!...Hope i get a better run tomorrow.
by VICKI KARMA November 10, 2006
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A term used to describe an outlandish claim or scientific theory. It usually preceeds quantumization of the actual fact.
Vicki: Do you think there is a camera that studies stars systems and finds the relational human being on earth?

Brett: Maybe in science viction! Knowing you it will be true.

Vicki: I just googled it and its called spectroscopy. So now its fact! hahaha
by VICKI KARMA October 18, 2006
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A male who doesn't care about man or woman at all, however, treats both with humility in order to gain access to all areas of the anatomy or gig, whichever is more applicable at the time. A manimal usually looks after their body in order to attract both sexes and hides his bi-ness.
boy: That guy you were talking to tried to pick me up in the toilet before!

girl: Huh, he was just over here asking me to come for a ride in his ferrari and wanted me to come home with him.

Both: ewww...Manimal!
by VICKI KARMA October 18, 2006
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When you have done more than your fair share of work or play, on any given occassion.
What a day! BDO 06 was huge...by the end of the day i was so gigged out i fell asleep as soon as i got home.
by VICKI KARMA November 11, 2006
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When tone is applied to a sentence to emphasise sarcasm or wit.
Person in response to tonality -
You dont have to say it with such tonality! I am not two!
by VICKI KARMA November 11, 2006
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a fried noodle or a person who is so uneducated they can't tell their flip from their flop!
Tim: I am so rich cause i dont burn money, hard come, easy go! I got the cars and the girls, i am unstoppable.

Viquah: hahaha..It's easy come, hard go! You such a MI GORENG. Chill down with the ego, you're going to single handedly turn all woman off men! Open your flap and stop thinking your Ed Witten or something.
by VICKI KARMA October 18, 2006
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Someone who forgets who they pinch opinions from in conversation and then before they even google it, they use it in further conversations as if it were their own.
I told you that. You just copy and pasted that from our last conversation.

!copy and paster!
by VICKI KARMA November 14, 2006
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