125 definitions by Uttam Maharjan 2

a device that is worn on the penis as a contraceptive; condom,
He went to the pharmacy to buy some peniswear but he could not utter the word out of shyness,
by Uttam Maharjan 2 July 24, 2014
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the act of hating foreign labour.
If a government has a policy towards xenoponophobia, its people will suffer.
by Uttam Maharjan 2 December 10, 2014
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diagnosis of a disease as a mental illness.
He got surprised at the psychodiagnosis of his mild anxiery.
by Uttam Maharjan 2 December 30, 2015
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A driver who drives recklessly. Such a driver not only harms himself but also harms others.
Dridiots are often involved in road accidents.
by Uttam Maharjan 2 May 16, 2021
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male version of lesbasm. It is an orgasm-like state experienced by homos at the end of their activity.
Both homasm and lesbasm are fictitious. Do you think so?
by Uttam Maharjan 2 July 3, 2014
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A person who drives recklessly. Such a driver not only harms himself but also harms others.
Drividiots are often involved in road accidents.
by Uttam Maharjan 2 May 16, 2021
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