4 definitions by Urban mother

Someone who goes crazy and gives everything an acronym.

One who over uses acronyms when using the actual words is no extra effort.
"OMG that guy makes up acronyms all day long- I have no idea what he's saying anymore. He's a fricking Acronymphomaniac."
by Urban mother August 25, 2016
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Whining; making something out of nothing; crying; acting like a baby; acting up; agitating
My kids are always fussing me up
about something.
by Urban mother February 22, 2015
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A mistake.

80's Pittsburgh phrase that's the same as "my bad".
"Oh, I thought Mike was single. My blow."
by Urban mother August 25, 2016
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'Try hard' mothers who go above and beyond to make their children happy; raising the bar to I reachable heights for all other mothers.
"Oh check out MaryFrances, she's def UMOTY."
by Urban mother February 22, 2015
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