6 definitions by UncertainWhatNameToPickHere

Darting desperately through bitingly cold sub zero temperature between your dry warm car to the front door of your house or place of employment without a coat or any suitably warm clothing just like Dave Bowman violently re-entered the Discovery through a few feet of outer space without his space helmet.
I got lucky and found a great parking space this morning and just Bowman'd it to the front door in just a t-shirt.
by UncertainWhatNameToPickHere January 16, 2018
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Skipping church and choosing to sleep in at the mattress sermon led by pastor pillow.
Last Sunday I fucked off church, instead, I went the mattress sermon led by pastor pillow.
by UncertainWhatNameToPickHere October 27, 2017
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The TRUE underlying words of every BMW and its wallet siphoning maintenance and rent/mortgage size payments and upkeep.
I'm gonna have to sell a kidney and lease out a lobe of my liver just to pay for the tune up on my Broke Man's Wheels 540i.
by UncertainWhatNameToPickHere April 23, 2018
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The cheeky, safe for work and acceptable in church way of complaining about Fucking Microsoft bugs, hassles, and Windows annoyances.
Mucking Ficrosoft Windows crashed again !
by UncertainWhatNameToPickHere October 27, 2017
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The reflexive nonsensical irrational escalating expletive declared in real time during the worst possible nonsensical irrational event.
shit Mother TITTY NUTS! were the last words witnesses reported hearing from Larry before he drowned in earlobe Herpes infested lake water that inexplicably spewed from his laptop after missing the income tax e-Filing deadline by just one minute
by UncertainWhatNameToPickHere April 23, 2018
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The eventual side effect of ridiculously over-prescribed medications.
My doctor prescribed me FuckYouNoll and warned me of the side effect I'll lose my cock to Detonation Of The Dick.
by UncertainWhatNameToPickHere January 13, 2018
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